If you’re feeling under resourced or carrying a heavy load, it’s no surprise. God has made no provision for you to live the Christian life on your own.
You’re not strong enough or committed enough, none of us are. God has just one provision for us to live a life of joyful obedience in Christ – the Holy Spirit.
And how does the Holy Spirit help? You’re about to find out, in this never before aired message straight from the Scriptures…
Finding Your Identity in God | Exodus 3
Who do you know that identifies by their finances? Their high school sports career? Their addictions or failures? God has a far better view of our identity… especially when we are broken. Today we’ll jump right into Pastor James’ message, open your Bible to Exodus 3.
Game Changing Faith
We were thrilled to welcome our dear friend Ted Barrett to speak to the men at Rock Bottom. Ted spent years working as an MLB umpire, he humorously told us, “Jesus loves umpires—because no one else does.“
His journey is truly inspiring, as he shares his path from salvation and learning to follow Jesus, to his time in Major League Baseball, and ultimately answering God’s call to ministry. He even founded a motorcycle club in Phoenix!
Join us to hear Ted Barrett’s powerful testimony and discover how God wants to use each and every one of us!
Accepting Acceptance: Welcome Home | 1 John 4:16
It’s time to move from putting off rejection to putting on acceptance.
Because living in lasting victory is about more than what you’re not doing. It’s about what you are doing to replace it.
Don’t miss this week’s powerful message from Pastor James, Accepting Acceptance: Welcome Home.
Forgive Those Who…
What is the primary pain point in your life? Can you put your finger on it?
Know this: suffering with unresolved hurt doesn’t have to become a way of living. In fact, God offers a way through our suffering that is total, immediate, and unilateral…
But the message of the Bible is only life changing if you believe it!
Rejecting Shame (part 3)
What is the major hurt and shame that plagues you? The one that won’t go away, but keeps hovering and overshadowing over your life. Can you put your finger on it?
Now the good news: True freedom – living in the truth of how God sees you – is closer than you may think!
Rejecting Shame (part 2) | Hebrews 12
What is the major hurt and shame that plagues you? The one that won’t go away, but keeps hovering and overshadowing over your life. Can you put your finger on it? Now the good news: True freedom – living in the truth of how God sees you – is closer than you may think!
Rejecting Shame | Genesis 3
What is the opposite of love?
While love fills our souls, uplifts our minds and brings us joy, there is one particular emotion that stands in stark contrast – and this message from Rock Bottom has the answer. If you’re struggling in your spirit with the fallout of your choices, don’t miss it…
The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached
Who gave the greatest sermon ever preached? It wasn’t Billy Graham, Charles Spurgeon, or even the Apostle Paul. The greatest sermon ever preached was from the greatest preacher who ever lived: Jesus Christ.
Imagine Jesus Himself walking toward you, holding out His hands and asking if you’d like to hear Him expound the Scriptures… Would you pay attention?
That is what we’re getting after this week – the foundational truths of Christianity, where faith is formed and lives are changed for all eternity. Join us for this important teaching from Rock Bottom, The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached.
Rejecting the voice of Rejection
Genesis 37-40
If you’re stuck where best thinking has got you, it’s time to change your thinking.
God won’t force Himself into your heart, but He does want to change you and heal the hurt behind your destructive behaviors.
How does change happen? Often, change begins with a crisis; the journey of changing is a process. The process of change is hard work.
And if you fail in the process? Return to the crisis. Remember why you began this journey and get help that will help you continue.
Let’s Reject the Voice of Rejection. Refuse to accept what our failures say – and lean into how the God who made us sees us.