
Vertical Living | Intro: Part 2
June 15, 2020 | Authenticity, Love, Relationships, Series, Sermons, Vertical Living, Verticality


You cannot live – really live – until you love God. Love to live!

And you cannot really love God unless that shows up in your loving of others. In fact, the two are so closely interrelated that God is not interested in our expressions of love when we have hatred in our hearts toward another person – especially another one of His children, and most especially those of God’s family who are hardest of all to love. In Vertical Living, God will take you to the mat with the full weight of all that He is.

Watch and learn how to LOVE2LIVE2LOVE.

Vertical Living | Intro: Part 2
Matthew 22:37-40

Conquering Insecurity Part 1
June 1, 2020 | Accountability, Authenticity, I AM: Finding Your Identity in God, Peace, Relationships, Series, Sermons, Spiritual warfare, Trust


Conquering Insecurity Part 1
Exodus 4

God has a plan for every person – He wants to work for you, in you, and through you. But when God calls us to live out our purpose, we often encounter paralyzing insecurity… the awareness of the gap between who we want to be and who we actually are.

This week in Exodus 4, we return to Moses’ story, as God calls him to boldly follow. Though filled with flaws and failures, God teaches Moses (and us!) an important message about how to truly conquer that insecurity.