[Bible Study PDF]
God longs to pour water into every dry place…
…Refreshing, reviving, drenching you with all that He is – if only you will return to Him.
If you hate the thought that your best days with God are in the rearview mirror, believe Dr. James MacDonald when he says “They don’t have to be – ‘come let us return to the Lord!’”
If you are ready to come to the Lord on His terms, nothing can stand in the way of a downpour…
Hosea 6:3 says, “He will come to us like the rain.” Life has been dry long enough. Come and drink deeply from the fountain of God’s mercy.
This downloadable Bible study pdf is the companion to Dr. James MacDonald’s book, Downpour – and it will help you get to the place where God can bring a downpour in your life.
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