Sermon Series

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10 Choices: A Proven Plan to Change Your Life Forever

10 Choices: A proven plan to change your life forever More than you or I would ever like to admit, we are where we are in life because of the choices we've made. Every step forward has been because of a good choice and every step backward has been because of a bad choice. If you've felt the weight of making bad decisions, if you long to make better choices that bring blessing and hope to you and those you love, then join James MacDonald for this highly practical, impactful series that will prompt you to make 10 simple choices-all directly from God's Word-that are sure to change your life forever.

A Primer on Trust

Trusting God is the Foundation of a relationship with Jesus Christ. In Psalm 25, the Psalmist David confesses his complete dependence on God. In this compelling, two-part series, James MacDonald leads us through a study on what it really means to trust God. A life that fully depends on God demonstrates an intimate knowledge of who God is and how He deals with His people. What does that look like in your life on a day-to-day basis? Get back to the basics-to the foundational level of who God is and what a trustworthy God He is.

Act Like Brothers: 7 Confessions of Biblical Brotherhood

To be notified when the final message in this series is released, and of future Act Like Men events, subscribe here.

Act Like Men Conferences

In his definitive, bold voice, Dr. James MacDonald charges men with the biblical call to manhood, to "Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. "Let all that you do be done in love" (1 Corinthians 16:13-14). This isn't a call for bravado and bluster. It's a call for men to mix tender and tough, to be humble, to follow Jesus. It is a call to be leaders, men of God, husbands who are present and caring and strong. It is straight talk, no posturing or posing or beating around the bush, but rather, inviting men to redemption and restoration in their manhood.

Advent 2.0

A fresh take on the timeless Christmas story, straight from God's Word.

Always Resolve Everything Now

Avoid it. Ignore it. Delay it. Sweep it under the carpet. Flip the pages of the calendar and hope it’ll go away. But it won’t. Personal conflict between family members, coworkers, neighbors, and even brothers and sisters in the body of Christ robs us of peace, distorts our perspective, and destroys our relationship with God. Hear this: God is all about resolving relational conflict. In fact, His Word details specific ways you can begin to resolve conflicts in your relationships… today! Download His truth into your life from these three messages and get started resolving conflict… NOW!

Anchors That Hold

What truths can you cling to when all human supports have failed? If your life is stormy and you fear a shipwreck, learn from Ephesians Chapter One, the "Anchors That Hold."

Authentic Jesus I: Authentic Arrival - John 1-3

Two thousand years ago someone named Jesus showed up on the scene, have you ever wondered how and why he changed everything? These messages from the first three chapters of the Gospel of John will bring you up close and personal with Jesus. Not the Jesus of casual conversation-but the authentic man who changed history. Meet the Jesus who made the world, designed you and me, and then arrived in HIs creation on a mission of salvation. And discover why John 3:16 is the most important verse in the Bible. When you recognize Jesus for who He is, your own longings for purpose will suddenly make sense. Listen and experience the arrival of Jesus in your life in the same way He stepped into history. Meet the authentic Jesus, Son of God and your Savior.

Authentic Jesus II: Authentic Revelation Part I: John 4-5

More than just a man, he stepped out of obscurity and onto a path that changed history. Revealing Himself as the Messiah, son of the living God, so, who do you say that he is? These messages from chapters four and five in the Gospel of John unveil the undeniable truth of who Jesus is and why God sent Him for us. He walked among us, displaying His character, purpose, and God's will for His life and ours. He is the living water, the Messiah Son of God, and the way to eternal life. Listen and experience the truth of Jesus revealed.

Authentic Jesus III: Authentic Revelation Part 2 – John 6-9

With each miracle and encounter it becomes increasingly clear: Jesus’ deity is on display and a clear line is drawn in the sand. On one side are those who choose to debate, dismiss and deny Him. On the other are those who see clearly and choose to worship Him. There is no in-between. Listen to these messages and decide for yourself. Is Jesus just a man, or Son of the living God?

Authentic Jesus VI: Authentic Encounters - John 18-19

Encounters with Jesus are life-altering. His words are perfect, his silence shocking. His submission, suffering, and sacrifice on the Cross cannot be ignored. You must decide-are you with him or against him? In these messages from Chapters 18-19 from the Gospel of John, Jesus is confronted with multiple injustices. As He approaches the Cross, every person He encounters is faced with a defining and eternity-altering decision. Let Pilate, Peter, Joseph of Arimathea, and others lead you to consider your relationship with Jesus. Will you turn away in fear, choose to serve men, or like Joseph, step forward to serve Him?

Authentic Jesus VII: Authentic Newness – John 19-21

Jesus is the resurrection and the life. He wants you to have the very same power that raised him from the dead. Will you receive it? What Jesus offers us is more than something to be thankful for, it’s more than a celebration. He wants us to experience a newness that can only come from His sacrifice, death, and resurrection. In these final chapters of John, you will find Jesus is moving toward you and offering His life-transforming power. It’s time to let Him have all that is old, aggravating, dry, and difficult in your life and exchange it for His living newness.

Authentic: Developing the Disciplines of a Sincere Faith

Others may sense it but you can’t see it. Hold up the mirror of God’s Word and take a good look-hypocrisy may have crept into your life. Lip service and action like a Christian is empty piety and leads nowhere good-but how greatly you will be blessed when you get after the disciplines of genuine faith. This message series will help you tune up your authenticity and do the things that get you closer to the One you call Savior.

Balcony People

In this teaching series, Pastor James will lead you in how to bless the lives of those you love by affirming their strengths and influencing them toward righteous living. Learn how to confront a friend without losing them, how to endure a painful relationship, and how to care for others redemptively.

Big God Small Me

When your circumstances are shattered and you have no idea how to pick up the pieces, this series in the life of the apostle Paul will help right-size your perspective in light of who God actually is.

Breakthrough Prayer

Ask the Lord to stir your heart through this Breakthrough Prayer series – not so you can ‘get there’ and leave, but to be inspired to go after a deeper commitment to prayer that breaks through.

Breakthrough Prayer: From Petition To Surrender

Answers to prayer aren’t always what we want or expect. But the privilege of prayer is about more than just getting what we want. As you faithfully and fervently bring your petitions before the Lord-being obedient to surrender what He’s showing you in the process--you’ll experience the breakthroughs God always brings to a yielded heart. In this 3-part series, you’ll learn the ins and outs of surrendered prayer as well as focusing on the specific challenge of surrendering your kids to God.

Building a Home God's Way

A God-honoring home where the marriage is strong, the kids are obedient, and all are healthy and happy— this is the goal everyone agrees on, but opinions abound about how to accomplish that goal. This series moves beyond human opinion to examine the biblical truth found in Psalm 127:1. Each of the four messages is filled with practical information to help you build God’s way.

But Now I See

Are you living with regrets? If the answer is yes, then that makes you exactly like the rest of the universe. But there is a way forward and it’s as revolutionary to your mind and emotions as first-time sight to a blind man. Get God’s perspective for dealing with human failures, and experience for yourself the moment of clarity that changes everything. Life is all about what you do with the things you regret. Learn to resolve those things now before they drive you to despair.

Church on a Mission: Power of Absolute Surrender

In this forth and final series in our study of Acts, "Church on a Mission: Power to the People," we transition from surveying the scope of all God was doing in the first-century church to now picking up a magnifying glass and examining the impact of one life completely surrendered to God. That person, of course, was the apostle Paul, God's instrument in those early days of the church when amazing opposition led to supernatural results. Paul's personal mission was to follow Christ to the limit-wherever, whatever, however the Spirit of God directed Him to go. The power to turn the world upside down was God's Word, communicated through God's people committed to God's purpose and empowered by Jesus Christ Himself, living His life by His Spirit in His followers-then and now. In these four inspiring messages from James MacDonald about the final days of Acts, you'll witness the power God gives to anyone who will follow Him in absolute surrender. There is a power from the Lord Jesus Christ available only to followers who are 100% surrendered to Him. It's the power to make a difference. It's a supernatural power that grows us up to bear great fruit that we might glorify Him. As we see over and over through the book o acts, this power is not personality or gift-driven. This power to turn the world upside down comes from Jesus Christ Himself. Jesus gives power to the people when He lives His life in you and me through His spirit. It's this power that sends us and our churches on a mission.

Church on a Mission: Power of Christian Community

Deep within the heart of every person is a longing for their life to be about something more than themselves. We all want to contribute to what is maing a difference in this world. God gives power to the people who are on his mission. In the book of Acts, we step into a river of history that continues to flow even now through the doors of our churches. We are part of the same body of Christ as were the members of the first-century church. And lives are still being transformed as the same good news is proclaimed and God's power is released. The new day that God began for His people in Acts chapter one continues even this week. We are a church on a mission-a mission that would be impossible without the Spirit's power. There's only one kind of power in this world that's ever going to change the world-it's God's power through the Holy Spirit, working through people who want to be used by Him. That's really the story of the book of Acts.

Church on a Mission: Power of the Pure Gospel

Church on a Mission: Power of the Pure Gospel The power behind a church on fire for God has alwasy been the gospel. Nothing else changes people for eternity. Nothing else has the dynamics to charge up one generation after another. In Acts 6-10, the gospel was spreading outside Jerusalem's border and the young church "were increasing in number...and the word of God continued to increase." That doesn't just mean more people filled the seats of the synagogue. It also means more of God's Word filled more deeply more of God's people. But times of blessing can also be times of challenge. As we study these exciting chapters filled with new births, we'll learn how God works in the crucible of opposition, actively growing and strengthening His church. As our study of Acts continues, we'll discover from Bible teacher James MacDonald how God strongly supports those who stand for the gospel-then and now. Why do we need to keep growing? Isn't the church big enough? While some people might think so, the truth is there's no health on the other side of stopping. The church would begin to stink and stagnate if all we ever thought about was ourselves. The thing that keeps us getting along, forbearing with one another in love, and working hard together is that we've got a job to do. We're on a mission: We've got to get out the gospel.

Church on a Mission: The Book of Acts Verse by Verse

In the book of Acts, we step into a river of history that continues to flow, even now through the doors of our churches. We are part of the same body of Christ as were the members of the first-century church. And lives are still being transformed as the same good news is proclaimed and God's power is released. The new day that God began for His people in Acts chapter one continues even this week. We are a church on a mission-a mission that would be impossible without the Spirit's power. There's only one kind of power in this world that's ever going to change the world-it's God's power through the Holy Spirit, working through people who want to be used by Him. That's really the story of the book of Acts.

Church on a Mission: The Power of Living for a Mission

Church on a Mission: The Power of Living for a Mission In this third study in Acts, Church on a Mission we've witnessed the source of the early church's supernaturaul power. In Acts 1-5, we studied the power of Christian community-what we can do when we do it together. In Acts 6-10, we looked at the power of a pure gospel-what happens when the gospel of Jesus Christ is preached without apology in all of its authority-believed, embraced, and lived out by the people. In this third series from Acts 11-19, we discover the power of living for a mission-what happens when we lay down our personal agenda and pick up God's. Come be a witness to God turning the world upside down through a band of brothers and sisters in Christ intent on living for a mission. Get practical training from James MacDonald in these seven messages on how the Lord fills us with His power to accomplish His mission. What's worth living for?/ Wall Street says it has what's living for. But it doesn't. Hollywood promises it has what's worth living for. But it fails too. Higher education boasts ir has what's worth living for. But it disapoints. ESPN brags they have what's worth living for. But it loses every time. Interestingly, Jesus Christ never says he has what's worth living for: He says He is what's worth living for.

Come Home: A Call Back to Faith

The prodigal. The wanderer. The skeptic. The rebel. Each of us knows someone who has walked away from God, and it is heartbreaking and bewildering. Maybe you yourself are the one who has walked away and sees little reason to return to faith and the church... God’s invitation is this: Come home. It invites the departed to return and offers the promise of the gospel—that all wrongs and sins can be forgiven through Jesus. There is no expiration on the promise of forgiveness and the open arms of Christ, so no matter how long the wanderer has wandered, he or she is still welcome. All hurts can be healed, all brokenness mended. Just come home.

Don't Stop Now: The Book of Hebrews (Verse by verse)

Do you have faith to believe that your very best spiritual days are in front of you? ...That your greatest victories are yet in your future? ...That God's greatest spiritual provisions are still to come? ...That God has spiritual mountains for you to climb? ...That there are personal victories that He wants you to experience? The book of Hebrews calls us on to these things. When you came to the cross of Christ, it wasn't your destination-it was only the starting line. As great as it is to have forgiveness of sin and the hope of eternity, God didn't just save us to get us to heaven. He saved us to call us to higher ground and deeper things. This is the message of the book of Hebrews. You started strong in the Christian life. You're continuing well. Don't Stop Now!


God longs to pour water into every dry place. Refreshing, reviving, drenching you with all that He is – if only you will return to Him. If you are ready to come to the Lord on His terms, nothing can stand in the way of a downpour. Hosea 6:3 says, “He will come to us like the rain.” Life has been dry long enough. Come and drink deeply from the fountain of God’s mercy.

Eternal Assurance

The Bible says in 1 John that the followers of Jesus are increasingly known by five “marks”-five ways that we are increasingly different from the world and more like Jesus Christ. In the 10-message study, verse by verse through 1 John, James MacDonald describes these five marks in detail to encourage Christians in their faith, to counter false teachings, and most importantly, to give absolute assurance of eternal salvation. Learn how you can distinguish yourself as a disciple of Jesus Christ, by identifying and growing in these five areas. An authentic Christian increasingly: Loves Deeply. As a true follower of Jesus Christ, you love God and others more as time goes on. Obeys Faithfully. You used to do your own thing but since you’ve come to Christ, you’re now more concerned with what God wants you to do. Lives Authentically. I just want to be real. A true follower of Christ says, “No more games. I want an honest, transparent testimony of God at work in my life” Knows Completely. A true follower of Christ isn’t content with surface knowledge of the Lord. The more you know Him, the more you want to know Him. Believes Confidently. Confidence replaces anxiety and trust is swapped for fear in the life of the true follower of Christ.

Family First-Aid

It’s no fun to go to the doctor. Few of us like doing it, but we know it’s the healthy thing to do. Certainly we don’t want to find out too late about a problem that could have been fixed. We understand all this, physically speaking. We also get this spiritually. We don’t want false hope or shallow pep talks about our relationship with God. If we have a problem, we need to hear the truth. It’s not always easy to hear about our problems, but we’re always glad to get our hearts back to a healthy place with God. What is true physically and spiritually is also true relationally. In this 6-part series on the family, James MacDonald sends us to the doctor’s office to get healthy. All of us can benefit from a few tests, a little self examination right out of God’s Word, and maybe some reviews of some family patterns. Based in the book of Genesis, the series reminds us that even the best families need some family first-aid now and then. Listen with someone you love to get healthy, then happy.

Family Matters: Getting Healthy at Home

You can be successful everywhere else but if you are not successful at home, you have failed! Family matters are the most important matters. Put them in the priority position and find out God’s prescription for peace in your family. These four messages will show you the way to get more love in your marriage, more joy in your home, and more of God’s best for your family. James MacDonald will lead you through biblical truths that lay out clear and practical ways to change your family...and change your life.

Finally Free

At our Act Like Men Houses, we guide men from the rock bottom of addiction toward lasting freedom, through faith in Christ and community with brothers in Christ. This series was preached at our ministry center, Rock Bottom, and is for anyone who needs victory and freedom from addiction and all burdens of guilt and shame. Intellectual knowledge, rules, structure, and sheer will-power can never set you free. Only Jesus Christ can release you to true freedom. The God who made you wants to free you from sin, addiction and shame. This teaching series, Finally Free, offers the truth you need to destroy the strongholds in your life.

Finish Line Faith

Finish Line Faith (A Study of 2 Timothy)

Foundations I

Psalm 11:3 asks, "If the foundations are destroyed, what are the righteous to do?" For such a time as this, Pastor James MacDonald leads us through the biblical answers – how to strengthen the foundations of our faith. Because if the foundations are NOT destroyed, what can the wicked do?

Foundations II

It doesn't take any stretch of the imagination to see that the world around us is in rapid decline. With our culture sinking further into moral recession, people are left wondering what to do. As Christians, our answer is not to flee and it's not to fight. The best response for the righteous is to strengthen our foundation in the Lord. It's time to get back to basics and return to the fundamentals of our faith – because if we lose the foundations, we lose everything. Learn from Dr. James MacDonald in this challenging series how to grow the groundwork of your relationship with God.

Foundations III

How should Christians respond to a world that's going under? Even in a culture shockingly disinterested in God, we aren't told to shout at the darkness in anger or judgment. Instead, we're to grab a mirror and evaluate ourselves. The only choice Christians have – during a time of moral, societal, and cultural decline – is to strengthen their foundations in the Lord. In this final installment of the Foundations series, Dr. James MacDonald tackles subjects like prayer, quality discipleship, and more with biblical clarity and truth.

From Rock Bottom: When There's Nowhere to Look But Up

Running from God is the road to rock bottom. Yet, When God’s children rebel and run, He is not passive or indifferent. The Lord is active and aggressive – He goes after His kids. And when we're down, we can miss out on the benefits of a lower altitude... “Rock Bottom” means it's time to look up.

Game Changers: Seven Scriptures to Shatter Strongholds

Game changing Scriptures can move you from victim to victory, right-size your situation, remind you whose you are – and that He isn't finished with you yet. Get ready for seven game-changing Scriptures with the power to shatter strongholds in your life.

Getting Unstuck: Fresh Traction for Common Struggles

God’s Word meets you where you are, including those places where you’re spinning your wheels, stuck in the same struggles with no forward motion. Be encouraged! The power to propel you forward is available to every believer, and the steps to break free from some common struggles are detailed in these messages. No pattern of failure can defeat you. No relationship is beyond repair. No habit of thinking can trap you. No fear can keep you from God’s conquering love. Discover hope and lasting help as you learn how to get unstuck.

God @ Work

Do you believe that God is only working when you can actually see Him working? Faith vs. sight. On almost every page of Scripture you read of people who faced the same challenge you do every day – a young widow, a parentless child, a displaced immigrant. People who can teach us how to confidently trust that God is at work, even when the place is tough and the path is tedious. Even when you're not seeing Him. Even when He is the farthest thing from your mind. If you're willing to break the addiction to sight, join Pastor James in this study of God's Word that will challenge you to trust that God is at work behind the scenes of your life...whether you see Him or not.

God Wrote a Book

This shouldn’t be a novel concept, yet somehow it is… God Wrote a Book – and it is called the Bible. Every word is Holy Spirit inspired and powerfully true for you today. But do you know why? Could you convince another person, with reasonable intellectual arguments, why you believe the Bible is a supernatural book? This series is one of Pastor James’ most requested teachings. If loved ones think it strange that you are so devoted to Scripture, master this content personally. You will feel more confident, and it will all begin to make sense to them.

God's Money: Seven Diagnostics for Biblical Stewardship

How much of “your” money is God’s money? It’s a question you may never have considered. Jesus died so that “everyone who believes is freed from everything” (Acts 13:39), including wrong thinking and financial bondage. The thickness of your wallet does not indicate financial health. You need to be biblically informed in order to receive what God longs to provide: true financial freedom.

Great "Buts" in the Bible

Great "Buts" in The Bible (Part 1: But God Meant It For Good) The phrase “great but!” (not great “butt”) is about the most powerful conjunction in the English language – a truth hinge that opens the door to so much. For many years as I preached, I would pause to quip, “Sometime I have to do a series on ‘Great Buts in the Bible.’” The reality is this: No matter how bad it looks for you or those you love right now, when God steps in everything changes. Join us for this fresh series preached from Rock Bottom, “Great ‘Buts’ in the Bible”!

Gripped By the Greatness of God

Dissatisfied with your dusty, diluted version of God? Is a vibrant faith only a distant memory? When did God last take you to the mat with the reality of His holiness? In Gripped by the Greatness of God, Pastor James MacDonald tackles powerful passages from the Old Testament book of Isaiah and inspires you to blow the dust off your picture of God and worship Him with passion and intensity. God is not safe, and He will not be squeezed into some neat, respectable Sunday discussion. God in a box—with a little package of hot sauce and a toy surprise. No. To know God at all is to watch Him explode any box we put Him in with His terror, majesty, and indescribable wonder.

Have the Funeral

Nothing is more final than a funeral, and nothing is more stubbornly perpetual than an offense or wound you have experienced from another. Here Pastor James gives his most concentrated teaching on forgiveness, and shares personally how he and Kathy have lived through many life trials without bitterness toward anyone. If you have been stuck in cycles of hurt and more hurt, it’s time to have the funeral.

Holy Spirit Help (And How You Can Find it Everyday)

As the Father is to creation and the Son is to salvation, so the Holy Spirit is to Christian living. Not a force but a person. Not impersonal but knowable – Jesus Christ promised His holy Spirit would be to us as He had been to His first disciples. If you long to know God’s presence in a more meaningful way, if you badly need to see God work and move and answer in your circumstances and inmost being, this teaching from Pastor James increase your awareness of the Holy Spirit in your life, through the Holy Scriptures.

Hope Springs Eternal

Hope is not a “when,” a “how,” or a “where.” Hope is a “who.” The second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church. And while we wait for His return, we must learn to rest in that hope--regardless of personal circumstances or the world around us. It’s time to get off the rollercoaster of “right now” and live with the confident expectation of better days ahead. In the end, Christ’s victory is ours--and that powerful reality makes all the difference.

Hope Springs Eternal, Part 2

Anchor your hope in the steadfastness of Christ. The second coming of Jesus is the great hope of the church, but while we wait expectantly for that day, it matters incredibly how we run this race to which we’re called. In this 6-part series, Pastor James encourages us out of 2 Thessalonians to throw our anchors down on the deepest hope--that God loves us--and from there shows us how to content for the faith with steadfast perseverance. Discover more deeply that hope does spring eternal--in the person, the plan and the promise of Jesus Christ.

How To Have Peace Of Mind

We all want peace of mind… but actually having it is elusive. True peace of mind, found only in Jesus Christ, first requires eliminating things that obstruct what He longs to provide. Identify what needs to be rejected and removed to experience His peace. And discover how to have joy in every circumstance, as you rest in the confidence that God is doing what is best.

I AM: Finding Your Identity in God

If you have never 'met' Jesus Christ, this is a perfect introduction. If you have followed Him for years, this will draw you even closer. A proper sense of who God is, what He has done, and what He will do for you is the only way to see yourself and your circumstances clearly – and it will transform everything about you. When you know the Lord as your Identity, your Deliverer, your Savior and your Victory, you can take who you are and where you are and fold them under His protection. As God miraculously teaches the Israelites, so He will teach you--you are intimately known and loved by the Great I AM, who is in control of everything. And that changes everything.

I Choose Joy | Philippians Verse by Verse

I Choose Joy: It's your choice. If you want more joy in your life, forget about the manufactured presciptions you pick up in self-help books and on TV talk shows. They won't work. Joy is God's gift to His people-it's a supernatural delight found in knowing God, embracing God's plans for your life, and fellowshipping with His people. Join James MacDonald in this series from the book of Philippians. You'll pick up the truth about joy: how to get it, how to keep it, and how to share it with others.

In It To Win It

In It To Win It: How to defeat the prince of darkness. Do you sense the presence of the Prince of Darkness in the world? Do you see the spiritual battle raging around you? The presence and activity of Satan in the world is a fact. He is God's arch-enemy. And as followers of Christ we find ourselves daily under attack from his demonic forces. In this bold series from Ephesians 6, James MacDonald addresses common questions about Satan, his forces and his powers from a biblical perspective. The messages are full of practical teaching to understand and win the battle against our enemy. Through Christ's power we are In It to Win It and we can defeat the Prince of Darkness.

Iraq, Islam and the Middle East

Iraq, Islam, and the Middle East: Insights and answers from God's Word. Will the Middle East ever be at peace? The continual hostilities that rage between Israel and all the Arab nations are part of a four thousand year old conflict between the two sons of Abraham. It is a cultural, geographical, political, and most importantly-a spiritual conflict between the Almighty God of the universe and the god of this age. Do you know how to respond when people ask, why all the fuss about Israel? Find out the real answers from God's Word. Join Dr. James MacDonald in this glimpse at the last chapter God has written in this long drama of human history. Get the story behind the newspaper headlines and get it straight.

IS: The Will of God IS The Word Of God

Is God's will top-secret? When it comes to God’s will, you may live in fear that He is holding out on you somehow. Yet, the Bible clearly reveals God’s will for your life. You only need to listen. When it comes to discovering God’s will, author and pastor James MacDonald finds historic misunderstandings among Christians: • "Can you ever be sure about what God wants you to do?" • "What if you discover you’ve been doing something other than His will?" • "If you somehow stepped out of God’s will at some point, can you ever get back on track, or is your situation hopeless?" Are you in God’s will now? Is a confident answer to that question ever possible?

It's A Boy

If you want to uncover the real meaning of Christmas, it’s all right here. Isaiah 9:6 is the greatest Christmas verse in the whole Bible. One verse worthy of four messages that will ignite or reignite--a heartfelt celebration of the birth of Christ. Listen and unwrap the significance of Christ’s birth. Because you cannot celebrate the Good News of His arrival without understanding the bad news. You cannot comprehend grace until you understand depravity. You cannot appreciate a solution without being gripped by a problem--one that you are completely unable to solve on your own. Get ready to rejoice in how God has met our greatest need--it’s a Boy!

Jesus in My Place

The gospel in four words: Jesus in my place Why does anyone need to talk my place? As much as God loves you, He hates your sin with a holy, burning passion beyond what you can comprehend. The only way God could embrace you was to make someone else pay for your sin-and it couldn't be just anyone. It had to be someone perfect. It was Jesus. He willingly, lovingly, sacrificially paid for those sins that we chose for ourselves. He suffered and died upon the cross, and God, somehow in His infiniteness, laid all of our sinfulness there upon His Son. There was no other way. "There is no other name under Heaven given to men by which we must be saved" (Acts 4:12). The gospel message is Jesus in your place. Prepare your heart to experience the wonder of Easter any day of the year in these six messages from James Macdonald focusing on the substitutionary death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ for us.

Just Like Jesus

Do you long to experience the abundant life that Jesus offers? Are you frustrated that it often seems just beyond your grasp? The world in which we live is very selfish. We may think that we are gaining by focusing on meeting our own needs, but we are really losing. Mark 10:45 says that Jesus "did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life a ransom for many." May God use this series on the life of Christ to move each of us toward the goal of living and serving just like Jesus.

King Forever

For unto us a king is born. You already know how to get ready for the season of celebrating Christ’s arrival as a baby, but preparing to meet a king? That’s much less familiar. It’s an extraordinary event, yet God tells all believers to be ready for His royal and triumphant return and gives clear direction on how to do it. In this powerful, four-part series, you will grasp the rich meaning of His scepter, crown, throne and robe. Learn to recognize, welcome, and fully give yourself and your gifts to the King of Kings.

King Me

Through this series of messages from 1 & 2 Kings, Pastor James shares the truth about godly leadership in a King Me world. When 'king me' is the prevailing cultural norm, wise counsel is sadly seen as an intrusion upon personal autonomy instead of the God given protection it truly is.

Laws Of The Harvest

What’s growing in your garden? It really depends on what you’ve planted. Would you ever expect to pick corn when you planted tomatoes? Of course not--you know you can only reap what you sow. But what’s very obvious in the garden is also true in your home, in your business, and in your marriage. What you sow is also what you reap, says Galatians 6:7. What you plant in the spring, take care of during the summer, you’ll harvest in the fall. Planting and harvesting, planting and harvesting. God’s timeless and universal principles are as certain as the seasons. So what do you want to grow in your garden? Learn from Pastor James MacDonald in two challenging messages from Galatians 6:6-7 how to plant God’s truth in your life...and harvest His fruit.

Living Life on Purpose

Living Life on Purpose Are you leading the life God has assigned to you? "How can I know?" you may ask. Contrary to our culture's endless quest for self-discovery, God's Word outlines how to purposefully lead a life perfectly designed for you by God Himself. Learn how to give God first place in the practical areas of your time, finances, service, career, and partnership with Him in the spread of the gospel. Lead the life you were born to live.

Look Who's Coming to Christmas

In the flurry of activities this Christmas, open your door to your most important guest: the Lord Jesus Christ. In this series you will meet the people that greeted Him that first Christmas—Simeon, the shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and the wise men. EXPERIENCE: • an uncommon rejoicing in the God who became man • an unparalleled expression of praise to Jesus Christ the Lord • an unequalled experience of Emmanuel, God with us. Make this Christmas your most memorable ever by focusing on Jesus—God’s greatest gift.

Lord Change Me

Here’s the bad news; there’s only one source of true and lasting change. And it’s not you. The good news? Change is possible God wants to transform you--and He has the power to do it! Now find out how to claim His promise; He will hear you when you say with sincerity, “Lord, change me.”

Lord, Change My Attitude

It’s not about your struggles. It’s not about your circumstances. It’s not about your relationships. IT’S ABOUT YOUR ATTITUDE. Our hearts weren’t made for coveting, complaining and being critical. They were made for thankfulness, contentment, and love. Drawing on the experience of the Israelites who grumbled in the wilderness, James MacDonald reveals how much our attitudes affect our lives--and how bad ones rob us of joy and wholeness. If your heart is straining under the weight of a bad attitude and you’re ready for a serious, inside-out adjustment, there’s no better place to start than this: “Lord, change my attitude...before it’s too late.”

Love: The Missing the Piece

Some people think you should study the Bible in order to know more about God. Others think that knowing more spiritual stuff somehow makes you closer to Him. Neither is right. Knowledge without application is nothing. First Timothy 1:5 gets us on the right priority: “The goal of our instruction is love.” If what you learn about God and His ways doesn’t increase your love for Him, then it’s worthless says 1 Corinthians 13. Regardless of the message, the end result of every discipline should be a greater love for God and for others. How is your love life these days? Are you a more loving person than you were last year at this time? Is what you’re learning from God’s Word changing you, prompting you to love God more passionately, more faithfully, more purely and consistently? Is your love increasing for others? For your family? For the people you live near and work with? The goal of our instruction is a greater love for God and a fuller, more sincere love for others. It’s the missing piece that completes the puzzle. Join James MacDonald in this 3-message series on the greatest commandment of all. “‘Which commandment is the most important of all?’ Jesus answered, …‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.” Mark 12:28-31

Making Love - Fresh Life for Every Marriage

It’s not the love that makes the marriage, but the marriage that makes the love. Love that blesses and affirms; love that strengthens and nourishes both husband and wife; love that lasts a lifetime. Despite what some may think, this isn’t a thing of the past and it’s not impossible to attain. On the contrary, it’s God’s design for marital love as outlined in His Word. Bring fresh life to your marriage and experience the joy that comes from following God’s prescription for this most important human relationship as James MacDonald uncovers powerful truths from the Song of Solomon. Whether you’re already married or hope to be someday, this series will help you and your spouse enjoy a deepening, vibrant, heart-pounding kind of love

Ordinary You, Extraordinary God

Wait a minute. Are you talking about King David? Didn't he do amazing things for God? Yes! But David himself was just an ordinary guy; the Bible reports not a single 'miracle' from his life. All of the exceptional things God did through him happened in everyday, ordinary ways. The only thing special about David was that God had his heart. Have you felt you've missed out on life in the fast lane? Do you find yourself trapped in the world's jingle that 'you're nobody unless you're extraordinary'? If yes, it's time to hear the truth. God looks past all the flashy stuff and focuses on your heart. Let God's Word renew your mind and re-shape your thinking in this series taught by Pastor James Macdonald.

Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal

ADDICTION. It's a heart sickness, a broken crutch – something we encounter addiction every day in this ministry. In our new series, we begin grappling with its source. Addiction is a way of thinking that must change if sobriety and broken sin patterns are going to last. If you are working to get victory in your behavior, don’t miss this: The critical battle is to change your thoughts. Addictions cannot be won with earthly weapons. When your first action in the battle is to reach for flesh weapons, the war will soon be lost. Let’s bring the truth of God’s Word to the chains of addiction, and offer hope to those in its shackles…

Promises? Promises!

Just how would believing God’s promises change your life? Believing that God will do what He promises will always lead to a great life. The most mature Christian you’ll ever meet knows, treasures, and is resting in the promises of God. They cling to these assurances that God gives His people so they can walk by faith while they wait for Him to work. So what exactly does God promise? In this topical study of what will always be true, James MacDonald explores five great and precious promises that God keeps. Promise #1 - God is Always with Me Promise #2 - God is Always in Control Promise #3 - God is Always Good Promise #4 - God is Always Watching Promise #5 - God is Always Victorious Enter into this study with anticipation and faith that the God who makes these promises is faithful and true...always true!

Psalm 23

Psalm 23: Abundant Living Here and Now! If you find that the pace and pattern of modern life leave you feeling depleted and desperate, listen to the comfort and strength found in Psalm 23. This brief Psalm has brought more peace and fulfillment to the people of God through the ages than almost any other passage of Scripture. These four messages on this powerful passage will lead you to God’s green pastures and abundant living here and now.

Revelation I: Hope in the Glory of the King - Ch 1-3

Jesus Christ, the One who was, and who is and who is to come. James MacDonald takes us through the captivating 8-part study in the Book of Revelation. These messages from Chapters 1-3 are far more than a travel log or history lesson of the seven churches in Revelation. “Hope in the Glory of the King” digs deeply into God’s Word to show you who Jesus Christ is, what He has done for us, and His challenges and encouragement to the seven churches.

Revelation II: Hope in the Home of the King - Ch 4-5 (Christmas in Heaven)

"Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created." Revelation 4:11 Imagine the throne room of Heaven where God sits - because He can. Picture the living creatures giving glory, honor, and thanks to Him. In your mind's eye, see the twenty-four elders falling down and casting their crowns at His feet. Can you envision it? What an amazing image of God in all of His glory in His eternal home - being rightfully worshiped. In this awe-inspiring three-part series, James MacDonald takes us to the throne of God in Heaven where we stand in wonder and fall in reverence in the presence of God. Come and worship the Lamb for He alone is worthy.

Revelation III: Hope in the Authority of the King - Ch 6-11

Things may seem out of control, but Someone is in charge here. And the authority of the King will become more apparent. As John’s visions in Revelation 6-11 continue, you will clearly see His authority in the Great Tribulation, the Day of the Lord, the Rapture and the Wrath of God. You will be gripped by the connection between John’s visions and the recent headlines. You will no longer be tempted to get right with God later. You will see that the time is now.

Revelation IV: Hope in the Justice of the King - Ch 12-16

DON'T LET THE DICE ROLL Where you stand with God - right now - is the most important thing about you. Don't worry and wonder. Your confidence can be in the One who gives you strength now - and in the last days. Stand firm in your faith and do not let your confidence be shaken! James MacDonald will show you how to recognize the enemy and overcome his attacks. Develop characteristics of an authentic Christ follower, with eyes to detect and reject the Antichrist.

Revelation V: Hope in the Triumph of the King - Ch 17-22

This is it - the final chapters of Revelation unveiling God's plan for the end of human history. And this is the perfect ending; a climax that will not disappoint you in any way. Every wrong will be made right, justice will be perfectly served, and you will see the unequivocal Triumph of the King. Celebrate the clear and coming truth of God's final victory, vindication, and elevation. These six messages will reveal promises fulfilled, strengthen your confidence in God's Word and fire up an overwhelming thankfulness for the faith in Christ that puts you on the winning side.

Risen for the Nations

It’s time to take care of what’s on God’s heart. When the God of the universe makes a declaration, He does so with absolute certainty. And in declaring that He would be “exalted among the nations,” God set forth His plan for all time. Our Heavenly Father has a very specific agenda--and it’s our job to carry it out. Join Pastor James MacDonald in this series as he plugs into God’s plan for the world. Follow along as he travels to five different countries, shining the light of our Risen Savior in some of the darkest places on Earth. Experience the power that comes from getting on God’s agenda, and learn how He takes care of what’s on our heart when we take care of what’s on His.

Signs of the Times in the New York Times

These are good days to be right with God. If you know the Bible at all, you know that the things Jesus predicted as the signs of His return are rolling out in front of us at a staggering rate. As evidenced by the daily headlines, the birth pains that Scripture speaks of have never been this bad. But is time really running short? And, if so, what should we be doing? Join James MacDonald as he shares from God's Word ten signs that indicate the last days of human history. Learn what to do in light of these warnings and discover how to ready your heart for the second coming of Christ.

Singing Christmas

Sing your way into Christmas! While we may debate with some in our culture about the meaning of Christmas spirit, there is no doubt that everyone wants to experience it. This year, sing your way into Christmas with James MacDonald as he examines the biblical basis for some well-known carols that powerfully express the true reason for the season. Tune your heart to the songs that celebrate Christ’s birth, and give our newborn Savior the worship He alone is due.

Sometimes You Gotta Fight: a study in the book of Jude

What does it take to get you on your feet? At times, Christians have made too big a deal of little things and too little a deal about big things. So, modern day 'evanjellycals' are reticent to fight when necessary. But, the Bible tells us what to fight FOR... This teaching from Dr. James MacDonald is the first in a verse-by-verse study in the book of Jude – and it will help prepare you to stand firm as you contend for the faith.

Soul Harvest: Gleaning in the Fields of Grace

There are some times in life when you know you really need the Lord. Nothing else will make it. Circumstances, relationships, or your health are what you hoped they would never be. You’ve come to the end of yourself and you’re in a desperate spot. You need grace...and you need it now. Into this landscape we go in this 6-message series highlighting desperate times and God poured out His Spirit in amazing ways. In each situation we’ll meet people who had a life-changing encounter with God in battles of life and death as well as in their most private crises. Go into the fields of grace with James MacDonald and glean what you desperately need to face your deepest need. Expect the amazing.

Straight Up: Engaging in Ministry God Energizes

Straight Up: Engaging in Ministry God Energizes

The 10 Commandments of Marriage

God’s wisdom applies to every area of life, and the 10 Commandments in Scripture are among the most condensed portions of God’s wisdom and have become the basis for cultures, societal, and judicial systems around the world. In this series Pastor James applies the 10 Commandments, as given in Exodus 20, to marriage. Learn how the timelessness of God’s commands can apply to marital situations you or those you love are facing in our day.

The Father's Song

Why do we always struggle to believe that God loves us? To really know and believe it. Possibly your human experience with fathering has muted your ability to believe that God the Father loves you completely and eternally. In fact, Scripture says He is singing a song of love over you right now! In this series Pastor James takes us further and deeper into God’s love that you may have ever gone. You and those you love can find healing of past hurts and be changed forever through the power of God's Word.

The God of Here and Now

We all have regret. Situations we wish we had handled better, words we wish we hadn’t said—things we can’t go back and fix. And when regret is coupled with facing our own mortality, we begin to desperately need the reality of God’s eternality. Pastor James shares from Psalm 90 about how accepting the truth about God and His eternal nature can become your greatest comfort.

The Power of Personal Conviction

The Power of Personal Conviction Dust off and put back on the shelf a concept that has fallen out of common use: Living by convictions. I've made up my mind about what I believe and I will base my life on these decisions. You're living by your conviction when the issues are settled, they've been proven to be true, and no longer will convenience or comfort or pressure sway your thinking. The Power of Personal Conviction, a series from James MacDonald based on Ephesians 4 and 5, will confirm, re-establish and help you form convictions about what you deeply believe on very practical life issues. Think of it as building a solid foundation to stand on when the demands are intense and you need to make up your mind fast. When your life is built on conviction-you'll discover many decisions about made.

The Power to Change – Verse-by-Verse Thru Romans 8

Change is hard. But God's love through Jesus is transforming – and getting free from sin and becoming who you were created to be IS possible. The actual power to change we find in Romans 8 is both the desire and the strength. So no matter how you feel, no matter who may have spoken poorly of you, God wants you to know this: There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. And that is the best news ever. This verse-by-verse study through Romans 8 is one of Pastor James’ most impactful series on the becoming the person God wants you to be – through Him.

The Will of God IS the Word of God

In every state of life, people are skiing the same questions: “WHAT IS GOD’S WILL FOR MY LIFE?” If you’ve ever agonized over who God wants you to marry, where He wants you to live, which job He wants you to assured that discerning God’s will isn’t like playing Russian roulette, or continually trying to land on the mysterious dot God is hiding in His mind. In this revolutionary teaching, Pastor James MacDonald debunks common misconceptions about God’s will and shows how the will of God IS the Word of God. This 4-part series with bonus Q&A will encourage you to experience the freedom and joy that come with walking in God’s will

Thinc Diphruntly: How to Change Your Mind

Why do we tend to hurt those we care for most? How do families find themselves broken? The reason is often the way we think. Beyond behaviors and deeper than attitudes, thinking determines outcome more than anything else. The Book of Romans challenges us to be no longer conformed to the patterns of the world but rather to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. God offers our only hope for victory over disposition, dysfunction, double-mindedness, and every other mental stronghold. With Him we can think differently.

This Is What We Do

What is the heart of 'church' really about? Welcoming. Loving. Forgiving. It's time for the church to become passionate over what God is passionate about – to genuinely demonstrate Jesus' welcoming heart of unconditional love and forgiveness toward the world He came to save. This is what we do.

Triumph Over Treasure

Triumph Over Treasure Our culture is so often consumed with greed. Everywhere we turn people are focused on getting more money and having more things. Sadly, Christians too can be swept along in a pursuit of wealth and find themselves struggling to balance their checkbooks at the end of the month, just like everyone else on their block. This isn’t the way God wants us to live. He has a plan for effectively managing our money. Follow along as James MacDonald dissects the faulty thinking in the church about finances, and challenges Christians to experience the abundant provision of God by conducting their financial matters according to His Word.

Vertical Church

What every heart longs for... what every church can be. Infighting, backbiting, heartbreaking, frustrating... church. Though exceptions do exist, the reality is that church in America is failing, one life at a time. Somewhere between pathetically predictable and shamefully entertaining, sadly sentimental and rarely authentic, church has become worst of all – godless. Vertical Church points to a new day where God is the seeker, and we are the ones found. In a Vertical Church God shows up, and that changes everything. If you want to experience God as you never have before and witness His hand at work... If you want to wake up to the first thought, "Thank God it's Sunday"... If you're ready to feel your heart beat faster as you head into worship... Then devour and digest the lessons of Vertical Church.

Vertical Living

You cannot live – really live – until you love God. Love to live! And you cannot really love God unless that shows up in your loving of others. In fact, the two are so closely interrelated that God is not interested in our expressions of love when we have hatred in our hearts toward another person – especially another one of His children, and most especially those of God’s family who are hardest of all to love. In Vertical Living, God will take you to the mat with the full weight of all that He is... watch and learn how to LOVE2LIVE2LOVE.

When Life is Hard

"Life is hard right now, and I just don't know what to do." When life is hard – really hard - we often spend all our time pleading, begging, yelling, refusing, and questioning. While none of these things are unusual, they are missing the ultimate point. When life is hard, when things get ugly, when all hope seems to be lost… that is when we are able to display the superiority of God by leaning on His promises and truths. Working through five common questions we've all had run, Dr. James MacDonald helps us understand what we should do in the midst of trial: • What kind of trial am I dealing with, and is God involved in it? • Why am I experiencing trial? • What should I do in the midst of a trial? • Are God’s purposes really being fulfilled in this? • Why won't this trial go away? Jesus said "In this world, you will have trouble..." (John 16:33), so you shouldn't be surprised when they come. Instead, you can grow, find hope, and take heart when they come.


If Jesus Christ is who He says He is, the implications are staggering – and eternal. Explore the most exalting passages in God's Word about His Son, because He alone is WORTHY.


Yahweh-it's God's personal name. It expresses His desire to know you intimately, to befriend you. This study will help you explore the power of "blessing Yahweh at all times." It will teach you to encounter Yahweh by "tasting and seeing that He is good." And you will experience the joy of taking refuge" fully and completely in Him. If you need a fresh touch from the Lord, these invigorating studies from Psalm 34 are for you.