I’m Not A Victim
No stronghold is a match for God’s Word.
The Bible verses in this never-aired teaching series from James MacDonald are so powerful, when you really grab hold of them they radically change the way you view God, life, your problems, your self – everything.
So buckle up! For the next seven weeks, this is our focus…
Why Trials? | James 1
“God is in control!” You’ve heard that countless times, or even spoken it – but do you believe it?
Is God still in control when you’re suffering through a trial?
In the most painful circumstances. we need meaningful answers to life’s deepest questions. Let’s turn to James chapter 1 and allow God’s Word to open our eyes and inform our hearts…
What To Do In A Crisis | 1 Chronicles 20
Have a problem you can’t figure out? Frustrated and unsure of where things will end up? Where do you turn? Pastor James’ preached this never-aired message to a couple thousand fired up men at the Act Like Men Palooza – and goes hard into the matter of responding to a crisis. Watch it now, for yourself or someone close to you who may be facing more than they can handle and needs this truth!
Finding Your Identity | Exodus 3
Some subjects are harder to close than others. This week’s message is for sure a powerful conclusion to an unbearable subject: How do you move past the pain of betrayal and rejection, so that what happened in your past only benefits the future for you and your loved ones?
Listen Up – 5 Christmas Fundamentals (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)
Luke 2
Joy To The World
Psalm 98
What Child is This?
Various Scriptures
Does the Christmas story feel too familiar? The shepherds, the wise men – just about every possible angle as been told and recounted. But, what if we… sang Christmas? Look with us at the Biblical passages backing up the beautiful carols that we sing. Singing Christmas in 3 – 2 -1…
When You Get it You Get it (Silent Night)
Luke 2
More Biblical Evidences of the Holy Spirit
John 14:16-18