Update from Rock Bottom

Change Partners and Friends –

Our ministry to men in addiction recovery has become such a source of joy, I’m excited to share this update with you.

Our first big lesson has been to realize that lasting sobriety will always elude men who have not faced the unresolved hurt that lies behind their addiction.

We all have crutches we lean on, some much more destructive than others. Gratefully, I can share from my own experience the unhealthy ways I dealt with unresolved hurt unsuccessfully, and how that negatively impacted my family and ministry.

It is truly a thrill to see men’s countenances change, as the structure of our houses allows them to live alcohol free, and the healing Christ can bring penetrates their hearts and begins to renew their minds. (Romans 12:2)

This ignites hope, the very thing the men report having lost through the addiction that brought them to us. Yes, God is changing lives at Rock Bottom!  Thank you for standing with us, as we help men learn to live free and begin loving their families well, in the power of Jesus Christ.

From a little corner of this dark world our Father “so loved” – and for our King, 
Dr. James MacDonald

“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”

– Matthew 25:40

Act Like Men Sobriety Houses
• limited beds currently open
If you know someone whose life might be impacted by us, direct them to Act Like Men for application information.