I’m Not A Victim
No stronghold is a match for God’s Word.
The Bible verses in this never-aired teaching series from James MacDonald are so powerful, when you really grab hold of them they radically change the way you view God, life, your problems, your self – everything.
So buckle up! For the next seven weeks, this is our focus…
Why Trials? | James 1
“God is in control!” You’ve heard that countless times, or even spoken it – but do you believe it?
Is God still in control when you’re suffering through a trial?
In the most painful circumstances. we need meaningful answers to life’s deepest questions. Let’s turn to James chapter 1 and allow God’s Word to open our eyes and inform our hearts…
What To Do In A Crisis | 1 Chronicles 20
Have a problem you can’t figure out? Frustrated and unsure of where things will end up? Where do you turn? Pastor James’ preached this never-aired message to a couple thousand fired up men at the Act Like Men Palooza – and goes hard into the matter of responding to a crisis. Watch it now, for yourself or someone close to you who may be facing more than they can handle and needs this truth!
Finding Your Identity | Exodus 3
Some subjects are harder to close than others. This week’s message is for sure a powerful conclusion to an unbearable subject: How do you move past the pain of betrayal and rejection, so that what happened in your past only benefits the future for you and your loved ones?
Listen Up – 5 Christmas Fundamentals (Hark! The Herald Angels Sing)
Luke 2
Our Part in God’s Way | Audio Only | Jeremiah 29:11-14
Raising Kids God’s Way | Audio Only | Isaiah 55:8-9
Five Keys to Family Remodeling | Audio Only | Psalm 27:1
Building a Family God’s Way | Audio Only | Psalm 127