Great “Buts” in the Bible

Great “Buts” in The Bible (Part 1: But God Meant It For Good)

The phrase “great but!” (not great “butt”) is about the most powerful conjunction in the English language – a truth hinge that opens the door to so much.

For many years as I preached, I would pause to quip, “Sometime I have to do a series on ‘Great Buts in the Bible.’” The reality is this: No matter how bad it looks for you or those you love right now, when God steps in everything changes.

Join us for this fresh series preached from Rock Bottom, “Great ‘Buts’ in the Bible”!

But God Meant It For Good
August 11, 2023 | God's greatness, God's Word, Great "Buts" in the Bible, Series, Sermons, Topics, Wisdom, Worship


Great Buts of The Bible (Part 1) – But God Meant It For Good

Genesis 50:20

The phrase “great but!” (not great “butt”) is about the most powerful conjunction in the English language – a truth hinge that opens the door to so much.

For many years as I preached, I would pause to quip, “Sometime I have to do a series on ‘Great Buts in the Bible.’” The reality is this: No matter how bad it looks for you or those you love right now, when God steps in everything changes.

Join us for this first week in our new series, “Great ‘Buts’ in the Bible”!


But God, Rich in Mercy
August 18, 2023 | God's power, Great "Buts" in the Bible, New life, Savior, Series, Sermons, Topics


But God, Rich in Mercy | Ephesians 2 | Great Buts of The Bible

But God Commends His Love
August 26, 2023 | God's love, God's Word, Great "Buts" in the Bible, Salvation, Series, Sermons, Topics


But God Commends His Love | Romans 5 | Great Buts of The Bible

Peace is the calm assurance that what God is doing is best.

Is your heart heavy with condemnation, shame, a list of all your wrongs? Remember, in Christ you are freed from that guilt to live in peace – peace with God, peace from God, and in the peace of God.

The world is full of evil, but God demonstrates His love toward you through the cross. This week, dive with us into the very center of the center of Christianity: the gospel of Jesus Christ.

But God’s Gift
September 3, 2023 | God's greatness, God's Word, Great "Buts" in the Bible, Repentance, Salvation, Series, Sermons, Topics


Throughout my ministry, I’ve repeated this phrase: “Born once, die twice. Born twice, die once.”

As sinful from birth, this is the reality we each begin and will end with on earth. The inevitable price of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life – the “good news” of the gospel!  In today’s brand-new message from Romans 6, we’ll delve into: God, sin, substitution, believe, life.

Have you believed the gospel for yourself? If you have, can you share it with others? If you or someone you know needs the hope of a saving relationship with God, this weekend’s message is for you.