
Moving from Petition to Surrender
March 25, 2022 | Breakthrough Prayer, Breakthrough Prayer: From Petition To Surrender, Children, Prayer, Series, Sermons


Moving from Petition to Surrender
Matthew 26:36-46


The Prayer of Faith
April 1, 2022 | Breakthrough Prayer, Faith, Fear, Healing, Prayer, Series, Sermons



That’s Not What a Kiss is For
April 8, 2022 | Crisis, Hurt, Injustice, Sermons, Single Messages



Betrayal. It hits the hardest, hurts the most, and lingers the longest.

On the list of life’s bludgeonings, betrayal is at the top. Yet God in His grace, permitted His own Son – who least deserved it – to most deeply experience this matter of betrayal. How gracious of our Father to allow that and to inspire the Holy Spirit to record it in Scripture, so we can, through it, identify more closely with our Savior.

Pastor James preached this faith-building message from John 13.

On Sunday He Became Everything
April 15, 2022 | Eternity, Faith, Love, Resurrection, Series, Sermons, Single Messages, Worship



Christ is risen! This is a very special Easter message from Pastor James that you will want to share with those you love. Originally preached at Chicago’s Sears Centre on Easter, he delivers a clear and compelling call to respond to Jesus’ offer of salvation – and that day, hundreds responded publicly with decisions for Christ.

Don’t miss this message and opportunity to share an hour with family and friends that could alter their eternities…

When Kings Fall: Compromise
April 16, 2022 | Compromise, Discipline, King Me, Pride, Repentance, Series, Sermons, Wisdom




We dive into 2 Kings 21-23 and look at the lives of a few kings. Some of these kings rebelled against God and compromised, but one chose to glorify God. We learn about these King’s relationship with God and His Word and we’re reminded of a few valuable lessons.

The people who are closest to the Lord have the greatest sense of their own sinfulness and need for Jesus Christ. Spending time in God’s Word is the best thing a Christian can do to fight against letting compromise creep into their life.

How Kings Fail: Refusing Wise Counsel
April 17, 2022 | Discipline, King Me, Selfishness, Series, Sermons, Wisdom




In 1 Kings 12 we look at the story of King Rehoboam. He was given both foolish and wise counsel and he is remembered for how he responded this advice. We must be intentional about seeking good and godly advice that will lead us to glorifying God. When we hear godly advice, we must take heed.

How to Destroy Your Life and Those You Love (Part 1)
April 18, 2022 | Compromise, King Me, Pride, Relationships, Series, Sermons




This passage in 1 Kings 17-22 tells us about the life of Jeroboam and some other kings. They chose their sin and wickedness over following God. Their actions brought pain and destruction into their lives and into the kingdom.

How to Destroy Your Life and Those You Love (Part 2)
April 19, 2022 | Failure, Faith, King Me, Repentance, Selfishness, Series, Sermons




In 1 Kings 16-22, the sad story of Jeroboam is continued in his legacy and in the life of the evil Ahab. He brought much evil into the nation of Israel and he was met with opposition by the Prophet Elijah. Evil will destroy you, your influence and your loved ones. But God always gives us the chance to repent.

Choosing to Trust
April 28, 2022 | Faith, Hope, Sermons, Single Messages, Trust



Choosing to trust begins with admitting these truths: we have a limited capacity to carry our problems and we cannot control the future. In this sermon, we dive into the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6. Let’s learn from Jesus on how to deal with worry and choose to trust Him.

A Message My Mom Would Love
May 6, 2022 | Family, Sermons, Serving, Single Messages, Submission



My mom embodied this teaching from Matthew 25, as she instilled in me a deep love of God’s Word and the desire to follow God’s heart. Let’s lean into this message and seek to be good stewards of the lives He has given us.