
Hoping For God’s Best In Our Leaders (Part 1)
April 6, 2024 | Hope, Hope Springs Eternal, Leadership, Prayer, Series, Sermons, Topics


Hoping For God’s Best In Our Leaders (Part 1) | 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10

HOPE. It is the confident expectation of better days ahead.

Faith in Christ is filled with an endless hope – and believe it or not – your pastor and spiritual leaders are depending on your hope filled prayers!

Lean in and pray with hope for our Christian leaders to be faithful with God’s truth, and possess the courage and compassion to challenge and comfort those they lead.

And as we return to our series in First Thessalonians, let’s fill our hearts with Hope [that] Springs Eternal.

God Energizes Prayer
January 10, 2024 | Prayer, Sermons, Spiritual warfare, Straight Up: Engaging in Ministry God Energizes, Topics, Worship


God Energizes Prayer | Straight Up: Engaging in Ministry God Energizes | Jeremiah 33:3

On Bended Knee
December 30, 2023 | God's power, Prayer, Series, Sermons, Single Messages, Topics, Trust


Did you know – your prayer life is not dependent on your ability to articulate to God? He loves to listen and answer your requests. He wants you to approach him in prayer, with faith, and make your requests known.

As 2024 begins, fire up your prayer life with these accelerants straight from Scripture, and fuel your faith!

Dr. James MacDonald preaches without apology straight from the pages of Scripture, provoking Christians to think and act on their faith.

Jesus Is Praying For You
April 21, 2023 | Jesus Christ, Prayer, Series, Sermons, Single Messages, Topics, Worship



The Prayer of Faith
April 1, 2022 | Breakthrough Prayer, Faith, Fear, Healing, Prayer, Series, Sermons



Moving from Petition to Surrender
March 25, 2022 | Breakthrough Prayer, Breakthrough Prayer: From Petition To Surrender, Children, Prayer, Series, Sermons


Moving from Petition to Surrender
Matthew 26:36-46


What to Pray About? (Part 1)
March 13, 2022 | Addiction, Breakthrough Prayer, Conflict, Family, God's Word, Healing, Hope, Prayer, Provision, Relationships, Series, Sermons, Spiritual warfare