What To Do In A Crisis | 1 Chronicles 20
Have a problem you can’t figure out? Frustrated and unsure of where things will end up? Where do you turn? Pastor James’ preached this never-aired message to a couple thousand fired up men at the Act Like Men Palooza – and goes hard into the matter of responding to a crisis. Watch it now, for yourself or someone close to you who may be facing more than they can handle and needs this truth!
More Biblical Evidences of the Holy Spirit
John 14:16-18
Non-Evidences of The Holy Spirit | 1 Corinthians 12
Would your life be more manageable if Jesus was right beside you?
While that may seem implausible, experiencing the presence and power of Christ is far from impossible – if you are filled with the Holy Spirit.
Are you? How can you be certain? Let’s learn together from God’s Word…
Game Changing Faith
We were thrilled to welcome our dear friend Ted Barrett to speak to the men at Rock Bottom. Ted spent years working as an MLB umpire, he humorously told us, “Jesus loves umpires—because no one else does.“
His journey is truly inspiring, as he shares his path from salvation and learning to follow Jesus, to his time in Major League Baseball, and ultimately answering God’s call to ministry. He even founded a motorcycle club in Phoenix!
Join us to hear Ted Barrett’s powerful testimony and discover how God wants to use each and every one of us!
Reject Rejection – First This
Matthew 5:25
WE ALL EXPERIENCE REJECTION – and its scars can remain a heavy burden. But if, in dealing with it, your solution does not leave you closer to God, it was not God’s solution for you.
You must continue on in faith! If you believe that God’s blessings are for other people and not for you, if you believe that God is secretly somehow angry with you over the things that you regret, then you need to know a lot more about the Lord!
Join us in faith as we continue learning to handle this difficult subject. Open your Bible to Matthew 5:25 and get ready for Rejecting Rejection – First This!
New Power for the Destitute | John 21:1-14
When It’s Hard To Trust | John 2:23-25
Ever have so many bad days it seems everything’s going wrong? When your life is finally going in the right direction, when you’re focused on following Jesus, struggles and roadblocks still appear.
When you feel hard pressed and trapped, it’s time to stop and turn to the Lord.
Even Jesus had bad days and faced rejection and betrayal.“…Always carrying in the body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies.” 2 Corinthians 4:10 When you’re backed into a corner, He is there. When you don’t understand, He is there. When you’re under attack, He is there. As John Wesley declared in his final breath, “Best of all. God is with us.“
Join us for this powerful new teaching – What I Think When Things Go Bad.
Four Reasons Strongholds Are Hard To Break | 2 Corinthians 10:3-6 | Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal
Strongholds are fortified patterns of thinking that are stubbornly resistant to God’s Word and God’s will.
Wherever you’re stuck, whether a destructive sin or hidden addiction – to find freedom, you must get honest and take care of your heart. And nothing will be different until you think differently.
Defeating a stronghold requires confronting sin and failures with humility. But don’t be discouraged, by God’s grace you CAN destroy those patterns and walls of sin, addiction and shame.
The Greatest Hope We Have | 1 Thessalonians 4 | Hope Springs Eternal