The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached
Who gave the greatest sermon ever preached? It wasn’t Billy Graham, Charles Spurgeon, or even the Apostle Paul. The greatest sermon ever preached was from the greatest preacher who ever lived: Jesus Christ.
Imagine Jesus Himself walking toward you, holding out His hands and asking if you’d like to hear Him expound the Scriptures… Would you pay attention?
That is what we’re getting after this week – the foundational truths of Christianity, where faith is formed and lives are changed for all eternity. Join us for this important teaching from Rock Bottom, The Greatest Sermon Ever Preached.
Counterintuitive Lessons From a King, Part 1 | John 12:9-26
Driving Consumers Out of the Church | John 2:13-22
Look Up: God is Speaking | Hebrews 1:1-3
The Power of Personal Conviction | The Power of Personal Conviction | Ephesians 5:15-20
God Energizes Preaching | Straight Up: Engaging in Ministry God Energizes | 1 Corinthians 2
This Must Never Change a sermon from Acts 27-28.
A Real Power a sermon from Acts 21:1-23:35.
Confronting The Culture a sermon from Acts 18:24-19:41.