With each miracle and encounter it becomes increasingly clear: Jesus’ deity is on display and a clear line is drawn in the sand. On one side are those who choose to debate, dismiss and deny Him. On the other are those who see clearly and choose to worship Him. There is no in-between. Listen to these messages and decide for yourself. Is Jesus just a man, or Son of the living God?
The Glorious Holy Spirit
John 16:1-15
Every Day With Jesus
John 6:1-16
Saved and Satisfied
John 6:14-51
None But Jesus
John 6:52-71
What to do With Public Opinion
John 7:1-52
What to do With Public Opinion
John 7:1-52
Who is Jesus Christ
John 8:12-29, 38-59
How to See God Working, Part 1
John 9:1-23
God is ALWAYS at work – the problem is that we don’t always recognize it. From minor distractions to massive trials, it isn’t about whether God is working in those things, but about how we see them. Have you reached the place where you can admit that honestly? It isn’t easy, but with God’s help we can sharpen our focus together through the lens of His Word. Let’s turn together to John chapter 9…
How to See God Working, Part 2
John 9:24-41
The Only Healer of Spiritual Blindness. His testimony was simple: “I once was blind, but now I see.”
Some people are born physically blind, yet everyone is born spiritually blind. And the only healer for spiritual blindness is Jesus Christ.
Like the man whose sight was personally healed by the Savior Himself, we also must share our story about how He has restored us – and help others learn How to See God Working in their lives, too. Get ready to dive into John 9 for part two of this life-altering teaching…
Drop The Rock | John 8:1-11