Humble Yourself, Part 2 | John 13:1-17
Humble Yourself, Part 1 | John 13:1-17
Keep Up: Humility before Exaltation | Hebrews 2:5-18 | Don’t Stop Now: Keep Up
Convicted About Ministry | The Power of Personal Conviction | Ephesians 4:7-16
Bending My Knee | Colossians 1:15-18 | Living Life on Purpose
Humble Yourself | John 13
A Primer on Trusting God, Part 1
Psalm 25:1-10
To live a life of trust is to live a life of true humility.
“To you, O Lord, I lift up my soul…” Psalm 25:1
Some 2,500 years ago, David penned this desperate cry to God – a model for us today what it looks like to walk in humility, faith and trust. God’s Word is timeless, and its truths are life giving. Bring your burdens and let’s learn these lessons afresh together.
With an Attitude of Faith
Luke 17:11-19
With an Attitude of Contentment
Numbers 11:4-35
Matthew 20:20-28