Are you living with regrets? If the answer is yes, then that makes you exactly like the rest of the universe. But there is a way forward and it’s as revolutionary to your mind and emotions as first-time sight to a blind man.
Get God’s perspective for dealing with human failures, and experience for yourself the moment of clarity that changes everything. Life is all about what you do with the things you regret. Learn to resolve those things now before they drive you to despair.
Final Resolution
Exodus 34:6-8
5 Results of Genuine Repentance
2 Corinthians 7:10-11
Repentance – The Moment of Clarity
[Various Scriptures]
The Triumph of Personal Responsibility
Psalm 51:1-10
Get victory over persistent rationalization by learning to reflect, take responsibility, repent, and make restitution.
Luke 22:54-62
Persistent Rationalizing vs. Personal Responsibility
Luke 22:54-62
Learn to resolve your regrets through true repentance before they drive you to despair.
Matthew 26-27
No One is Perfect, Not Even Me
Matthew 26-27