
Jesus Preaches on the Holy Spirit
November 9, 2024 | God's power, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit Help (And How You Can Find it Everyday), Hurt, Identity, Provision, Series, Sermons


If you’re feeling under resourced or carrying a heavy load, it’s no surprise. God has made no provision for you to live the Christian life on your own.

You’re not strong enough or committed enough, none of us are. God has just one provision for us to live a life of joyful obedience in Christ – the Holy Spirit.

And how does the Holy Spirit help? You’re about to find out, in this never before aired message straight from the Scriptures…


Offering My Gift
January 30, 2024 | Faith, Living Life on Purpose, Provision, Series, Sermons, Topics, Worship


Offering My Gift | Exodus 35:4-36:7 | Living Life on Purpose

What to Pray About? (Part 1)
March 13, 2022 | Addiction, Breakthrough Prayer, Conflict, Family, God's Word, Healing, Hope, Prayer, Provision, Relationships, Series, Sermons, Spiritual warfare



When It’s Too Much to Carry
April 11, 2021 | Grace, Peace, Provision, Sermons


Single Message | How to Find Rest From Life’s Heavy Burdens
Matthew 11
Galatians 6

It is no secret – burdens are heavy. But the weight of “must carry” can only find rest by learning to carry like Jesus.

What can you rightly help someone else carry, vs. what they must carry for themself? What weight are you under that you have to carry, vs. what Jesus can carry for you? Sometimes the Lord lightens our burdens, but He always offers us a way to carry them.

The Power Of Faith
July 18, 2020 | Authenticity, Faith, Forgiveness, Freedom, Humility, Lord Change Me, Provision, Salvation, Series, Sermons, Trust, Victory


The Power Of Faith
Various Scriptures