Two thousand years ago someone named Jesus showed up on the scene, have you ever wondered how and why he changed everything? These messages from the first three chapters of the Gospel of John will bring you up close and personal with Jesus. Not the Jesus of casual conversation-but the authentic man who changed history. Meet the Jesus who made the world, designed you and me, and then arrived in HIs creation on a mission of salvation. And discover why John 3:16 is the most important verse in the Bible. When you recognize Jesus for who He is, your own longings for purpose will suddenly make sense. Listen and experience the arrival of Jesus in your life in the same way He stepped into history. Meet the authentic Jesus, Son of God and your Savior.
Jesus Christ: The Glory of God, Receive Him | John 1:1-13
Jesus Christ, the Son of God: Recognize Him | John 1:13-34
Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God: Follow Him | John 1:35-51
Jesus Christ, the Glory of God: Believe Him | John 2:1-12
Driving Consumers Out of the Church | John 2:13-22
When It’s Hard To Trust | John 2:23-25
Overcoming the Obstacles To Eternal Life | John 3:1-15
The Greatest Verse in the Bible | John 3:16
Salvation Evidence | John 3:17-36