Rejecting Shame (part 3)
What is the major hurt and shame that plagues you? The one that won’t go away, but keeps hovering and overshadowing over your life. Can you put your finger on it?
Now the good news: True freedom – living in the truth of how God sees you – is closer than you may think!
Rejecting Shame (part 2) | Hebrews 12
What is the major hurt and shame that plagues you? The one that won’t go away, but keeps hovering and overshadowing over your life. Can you put your finger on it? Now the good news: True freedom – living in the truth of how God sees you – is closer than you may think!
Rejecting Shame | Genesis 3
What is the opposite of love?
While love fills our souls, uplifts our minds and brings us joy, there is one particular emotion that stands in stark contrast – and this message from Rock Bottom has the answer. If you’re struggling in your spirit with the fallout of your choices, don’t miss it…
Let’s Get Way Behind |2 Corinthians 2 | Overcoming Rejection and Betrayal
Addiction is a heart sickness and a broken crutch. We encounter addiction every day in our ministry. In this new series, we begin grappling with its source.
Addiction is a way of thinking that must change if sobriety is going to last. If you are working to get victory in your behavior, don’t miss this: The critical battle is to change your thoughts.
You have to get behind an addiction to fight it properly – and it cannot be won with earthly weapons. When your first action in the battle is to reach for flesh weapons, the war will soon be lost.
Let’s bring the truth of God’s Word to the chains of addiction, and hope for those in its shackles…
Freedom From Guilt | Psalms 51 | Finally Free
Do you ever fear you’re not good enough? Maybe you feel the shame of your mistakes or question God’s love because of your sins. Maybe you feel religious shame, because you haven’t followed all the ‘rules’.
What are we to do with guilt and shame?
Let’s learn from the pages of Scripture about the Holy Spirit’s work in our conscience – leading us not to more guilt, but to repentance, freedom and a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ.
Open your Bible to Psalm 51 and get ready to find Freedom from Guilt…
What Happened Here? | Mark 6
When we are more concerned about looking good than doing good – more concerned about position than purity, we’re going over the cliff.
Getting distracted is easy… we don’t intend a wrong turn down a path of sin. We must beware of trivializing spiritual truth, excusing sin, ignoring alarms, and become our brothers’ keeper.
Watch this intro from Pastor James, and turn your Bible to Mark 6. Let’s learn what’s really happening, while we can…
Judges 16:1-31
In all change, there is a crisis and a process. As sexual sin is ravaging society and running rampant in the church, we need a crisis. Anything outside of God’s definition of sexuality in marriage is a sin against God. Since the gospel breaks the pattern of habitual sin, of there’s not a growing pattern of Christ-likeness, you are not saved.
I Am Dead to That!
Romans 6:8-12
When Kings Fall: Compromise
2 Kings 21-23